Saturday, December 6, 2008

Service Project at Countryside Manor

Only a couple of people showed up last month to plan what would be done at this service activity, but they came up with an excellent suggestion that went very well. Youth and leaders gathered at the Stake Center cultural hall starting at 9:00 socializing while eating some donuts and drinking hot chocolate. This was nice in that it gave time for everyone to show up so that they didn't miss the service project. There was a total of about 34 people, youth and leaders, join us. At 9:30 we dividing up transportation assignments and went to Countryside Manor assisted living facility. A large basket of books was taken with for the youth to use and the facility had lots of hymn books, and the youth and leaders were asked to go in groups of two or three and knock on doors to introduce themselves and ask if they could visit with the residents.Each group of youth and leaders was able to visit about two or three different individuals, singing them songs, reading them stories, and getting to know them. Many of the youth reported that they enjoyed themselves, and made comments of how the people they visited had humorous personalities and were fun to visit with. Some learned about challenging times in the lives of those they visited like living during the Great Depression, etc. Some young men even found a resident who was playing a WII video game and he invited the young men to join him. The activity wrapped up at about 11:00. It was an enjoyable activity.